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5 top tips for optimum shoe cupboard organisation


Have you been feeling inspired to do a deep dive into your home space for a good de-clutter lately? If so, you’re not alone!

Home is where the heart is, and that can often mean home becomes an accumulation of things we hold onto, for the enjoyment, the memories and those moments wondering about future wear. If you are anything like us, it can sometimes get a little out of control! The result being a less than zen living space to relax and unwind within – a not so homely outcome.

By ensuring we are surrounded only by the things that ‘spark joy’ as the famous cleaning queen, Marie Kondo says, every day can be made that much more enjoyable and relaxing. Even better, the things we love will be easier to find, enabling more use!

The shoe wardrobe is no exception to this rule – in fact, it can sometimes be one of the areas that get neglected the most because it’s often ‘out of sight, out of mind’ for many of us.

But when it comes to lovingly looking after those quality, beautiful styles that deliver on comfort, storing your shoes in a way that keeps them looking new year after year AND fits your busy lifestyle is a win / win to us!

Here are our five top tips to spark joy in your shoe storage system. Happy organising!

 1. Categorise.

Journey of a European shoe

Firstly, separate shoes by season. It’s likely that a third of your shoes will stored for six months (boots vs sandals).

Then, separate those shoes you’ll be wearing now into categories that work best for you. You might find it easiest to style your outfits in the morning by categorising into silhouettes, such as boots, pumps, sandals, sneakers, etcetera. Or, you might have a ‘top five favourites’, or ‘daytime, evening and exercise’ section.
Whatever you go for, having a plan to stick to will help you reach for what you want more easily, and your favourites won’t get lost when getting ready in a rush.

    2. Consider your storage locations.

For shoes you wear most often, open storage that lets damp leather or fabric breathe will keep shoes fresh, without letting dust settle for too long. A wire shoe rack is a good solution as it provides airflow and, being visible will encourage you to keep it tidier. Keep these shoes in a convenient location – this way it is more likely to be used.

For pairs that won’t be used this season, find a space that’s easy enough to get to but not in the immediate vicinity, and pop them in dust bags or source clear shoes boxes for extra protection before you stow them away.

3. Give them space.

Journey of a European shoe

Don’t store shoes on top of one another – it can be easy to do as a quick space-saving idea, but can cause scratches, crushing and warping – not ideal! Look for storage options that enable each pair to be separated from one another, whether that’s a tiered rack system, individual shoes in their boxes (if you have the space), or even re-purposing a bookcase for shoes


 4. Store your boots upright.

When they’re standing upright and looking their best, you’ll be more likely to reach for your beautiful boots when getting ready, as you’ll be reminded about how great they look on. They’ll also take up less space in the wardrobe this way. Boot stuffers are ideal for keeping kinks out of the leather while not in use.

     5. Before you store, clean.

Journey of a European shoe

This means wiping away any surface dirt or mud that has accumulated over the day, before it gets a chance to settle in and stain or damage the leather or fabric. For optimal condition, give them a quick once-over with a polish or protector spray (see our selection here). This will help your shoes to last longer, and next time you reach for them, they’ll be looking as good as new, and ready to go!
Sticking to a considered organisation routine may add a couple of extra minutes to your day, but will help you keep your quality Mikko shoes supple and gorgeous, year after year. Quality shoes are precious and worth the extra care. Plus, having an organised storage solution can actually save you time (and money) in the long run!

Go well!
Michaela and the team at Mikko.

Mikko Shoes specialises in stylish European footwear that delivers on foot comfort.  Shop instore at one of our stores or online.  Like our Facebook and Instagram pages so you’re up to date on new arrivals, trend tips, to see style suggestions and know about our regular competitions.



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